Howdy cookbook fans!
2019 is wrapping up quick! Which means…2020 looms. Paid subscribers will be getting a 2020 preview later this week, so if you’re interested in that, get on over to the sweet subscriber side of SPN. Did you know you can also give a subscription as a gift?! The gift of cookerybookery, imagine.
Okay, on with the show.
Aaron Franklin Paperback Boxed Set!
Where there is smoke there’s fire; where there’s barbecue there’s grilling; where there is either of those things there is Aaron Franklin. Austin’s own king of brisket is releasing special paperback editions of his two cookbooks with co-author Jordan Mackay, Franklin Barbecue and Franklin Steak, as a boxed set emblazoned with that iconic Franklin Barbecue logo. Out April 28 from Ten Speed, just in time for grilling season. (For most of the country, anyway. In Austin that’s about when it becomes as hot as the surface of the sun.)
UTSA Digitizes Mexican Cookbooks Collection
Speaking of Texas! This is maybe not new but it is new to me and it’s cool regardless, so: the library at the University of Texas at San Antonio is known for it's collection of Mexican cookbooks, and now they’ve digitized a portion of the collection, and here’s a guide to what’s available. I’ve had the privilege of going through part of the collection and it is pretty great, an invaluable resource for anyone researching Mexican food and cooking. Above: A small portion of UTSA’s collection, on display to commemorate cookbook author Diana Kennedy’s donation to the collection in May.
Hopefully the Last Best of 2019 Lists
Plate’s picks, for chefs/industry.
Picks from Celia Sacks, proprietor of Omnivore Books on Food in San Francisco.
Check this out!
Cooking for Orgies and Other Large Parties. Nuff said.[Inside Hook]
I guess I should have seen this coming. A pal asked for a mid-level vegan cookbook, and when I didn’t have a good response for them, I turned to Twitter. Twitter has a LOT of opinions on vegan cookbooks, turns out. Click through for a ton of recs.
My hometown newspaper, the Wisconsin State Journal, had a cookbook contest every year during the middle of the 20th century. This story looks at the three women who judged the reader-submitted recipes; “by 1964, they had reviewed almost 22,000 recipes.” [WSJ]
On preserving recipes for history, and for family. [The Messenger]
A few holiday recipes for you from 1950’s Cook Book of Tested Recipes by the fine ladies of Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church in Minneapolis. [Park Rapids Enterprise]
“How the ‘hellish cityscape of Beijing’ inspired a cookbook.” [Post Mag]
Fortune makes a case for “why people still buy cookbooks.” [Fortune]
And that’s it for this week! 2020 preview will be in paid subscribers’ mailboxes later this week. I am taking next week off to take naps and eat cookies. Happy holidays, y’all, and see you in 2020!