Nov 9, 2023Liked by Stained Page News

The first I ever heard of Tieghan Gerard was this Helen Rosner tweet:

"in this world there are Half-Baked Harvest people and there are Smitten Kitchen people. The two factions are blood enemies."

And I saw that and thought, OK, guess the Half-Baked Harvest people are my blood enemies, and looked into it no further. Time to read this NYT profile!

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OK just read the profile! I laughed when I saw that the most-upvoted reader comment was someone recommending Smitten Kitchen instead.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Stained Page News

As a foody and cookbook collector I Love your posts. I remember those classic Australian cookbooks. I think mum had all of them. My favourite and still is - Margaret Fulton’s Encyclopedia of Food & Cookery. You look up an ingredient and tells you about plus offers recipes starring that ingredient. I’m on my 3rd copy of the original one and have a copy of the updated version. Yes I’ve used 2 so much they’ve fallen apart. When my son leaves home next year I am gifting him a copy.

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Goodness, going through three copies is quite the recommendation! I will have to check it out. Thank you for reading!

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