Sep 1, 2023Liked by Stained Page News

Wow, Paula, thanks for the great round-up. I am all for keeping it well edited, with a clear point of view. With so many books to consider, it's easy to lose focus when reading something that is a bit too comprehensive.

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Stained Page News

Wow, that was a lot. Thanks.

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Stained Page News

Thank you Paula!!!! This is so much work and you are SO good at it! (Even with jet lag)

I love seeing the grid of covers and thinking through what is happening visually. More than just serifs, we are moving into a period of "weird" type, IMO. I also spy a vertical type trend.

And wondering what this crop of books makes you think about what's happening in the current cookbook landscape? Is the movement to an increasingly narrow ethnic focus and/or cross-ethnic ideas? NO shade on any specific book, but what is the point of another book on French cooking, or pies? (I would love to hear anyone's thoughts on that question)

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Stained Page News

I’ve got the Shabbat stop in Minneapolis on my calendar! Can’t wait!

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Thank you so much for including Pasta Every Day, Paula! :)

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by Stained Page News

“Crave” sounds a lot like “Crave” by Ed Smith, which is a fun and inspiring book!

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I am super sympathetic to the difficulty of covering cookbooks, given the number that are being released. I understand that the sheer quantity necessitates you make cuts somewhere. My own list has 103 books in September alone and that does not include all of the books originally scheduled for September release that publishers pushed to later months.

That said, I hope that you do not do away with the cookbook-adjacent titles entirely. Even if they only make the list at the end of each monthly introduction, from what I can tell, you are the only person who covers them at all. From this issue alone:

A History of the World in Ten Dinners

Holy Food

Midwestern Food

This is Not a Recipe Book

are all titles that are of great interest to me and that I have not seen covered by anyone except you. If it isn't something you can continue to include, then so be it, but I wanted you to know that it was appreciate just the same.

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Thanks for this! Those books all have recipes, so I will continue to cover them. I have to draw lines somewhere, and this is one of the most clear cut ways to do so.

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